
busy busy bee, goodbye summer dress season

i guess it's time for the next blog.

it's weird how big a deal everything is. i read through my last post (has it really been four months?) and everything seemed so very serious. except for the time of year, although i'm glad i mentioned sundress season. it is, sadly, coming to an end now.

this post was meant to be about the impact of names, which is why it has such a bad__ass name.

it feels like my writing is much less directed during times when the rest of my life feels focused.

i just wanted to feel safe.

i guess i feel safer now.

so lets talk names.

shaolin__monk__motherfunk is a song from hiatus kaiyote, a band with an equally bad__ass name. the song is dope, and theres a live version on youtube which will be a mainstay in my playlists for the rest of my life.

would i still like the song as much with a different name?

yes, definitely. its a very good song.

but i wont ever be able to listen to it without this deep association between the name and the music. i never considered how a shaolin__monk would funk until this song came along, and then it all made perfect sense. of course this is how motherfunking monks funk.

the original inspiration behind this post had a much more profound conclusion.

but sundress season is over.

so lets leave it as this: the name of our band made it feel legit. the name of our podcast made me dream. the name of this blog makes me feel loved.

i'm really glad i took a year to name my business.

anyway, what do i know. bach didnt need to name anything, ignore my inane babbling.

photo by steve smith
